Lessons Learned

Instructional Technology - International Education - Wellness

Category: Discovery Learning (page 1 of 4)

Virtual School Pedagogy – Oldies but Goodies

Note: My international school is just starting virtual school for the current school year, so we are now just experiencing what many schools have been doing for most of the year. I posted the following to our Wellness blog.

I hung up my instructional technology hat a ways back, so I can’t offer the latest tools, tips, or techniques that many of our staff use in their virtual learning delivery. I can offer pedagogical strategies that have worked in the past and can definitely be supported through technology to enhance learning in virtual schools.

Concept/Mind Maps

Concept/Mind maps help students make their thinking visible, primarily when representing connections between ideas, events, topics, etc. Concept maps also can be used as collaboration tools.

An excellent way to use concept maps for virtual learning is to use an online provider like Mindmeister. Students can share their Mindmeister concept maps with you to access their thinking, especially for formative assessment of their understanding as the unit of study progresses. Virtual collaboration is supported if you partner with students or place them in groups to work together to use mind maps for multiple purposes. Here is a mind map template for essential questions one teacher provided his students. Look at a blog post describing how students used concept maps to answer the essential questions for their units of study at a couple schools.

Learning Activity Types via TPACK

Several American professors came together in 2010-11 to organize learning activity types (LAT) into nine subject areas supported by technology. They published articles about their efforts. Here is one. They provide research-supported pedagogies in their Learning Activity Types website hosted at the College of William & Mary School of Education. They apply the TPACK construct for planning purposes. Look to their website by going to the left side menu to select from the nine learning activity-type disciplines. The supporting technologies are from 2011, so adapt ones that still exist today and/or find the latest iteration or replacement tool that best supports each pedagogy. Image Source

Multimedia Essays (Media Mashups)

Writing essays is one of the most precious skills that we teach our students. But sometimes, our students can benefit from an alternative learning experience and assessment that engages the full range of their ICL skills. We can differentiate and add complexity to the standard writing process by having students create multimedia essays where they “mash up” various sources of media to communicate their thinking. At the time, a William and Mary doctoral student describes her work with multimedia essays in this podcast. Image Source

Personalized Learning System (PLS)

Students (and teachers) use technology to access information, to make meaning, to create and communicate their learning via a personalized set of resources for learning… a “go-to” 24/7 technology and information access toolkit – a Personal Learning System (PLS).

We guide our students to work as architects designing and maximizing their “learning flow” (think of the term workflow) while also engaging in time management techniques to increase efficiency and purposeful productivity. Self-directed and growth-minded students use devices, apps, Web tools, and information sources, putting themselves in charge of their learning. Here is a web resource describing what a Personal Learning System can look like and a planning document for students to work with. Image Source

Sketchnoting (Visual Note-Taking)

Our students live in a media-rich world. They think in images, video, and sound while constantly making neural connections. The creation apps on phones, tablets, and computers offer students pathways to draw, audio record, insert images/video, and embed hyperlinks to information sources, all personalized. This is where visual note-taking comes in. We can expand note-taking choices beyond text recording into multiple modalities by guiding students to use mind maps, colors, shapes, images, and digital grouping by dragging and dropping objects and connecting lines to record their thinking. Image Source

The Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono created this approach to decision-making and problem-solving that guides users to think in terms of types of thinking and perspective. We can apply them for individuals and groups of students to use as they process information. Here is a helpful overview and a teacher’s application in her classroom. Image Source

Thinking Routines

In the book Making Thinking Visible, Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, and Karin Morisson help readers understand the power of thinking routines to help students process big ideas and make their thinking visible. Teachers routinely use the thinking routines in their regular face-to-face classes. One can also choose from a variety of technologies to also use in virtual school. Here is a dated web resource on the supportive tools one can use. However, the application of the routines is sound. If you are new to the routines, you can review an article by Ron Ritchhart and David Perkins entitled Making Thinking Visible. Also, look to go through the Harvard Project Zero Thinking Routine Toolbox. Image Source


WebQuests are a natural pedagogy for virtual schools because they’re already web-based. They connect inquiry and research skills to students working in teams using their communication skills to present their findings. WebQuests are online research expeditions built by teachers that put the students into roles to find information from selected sites and other resources as they attempt to solve a real problem and/or answer a question. The students in teams analyze, curate, and then use the information to create a learning product to demonstrate their understanding. WebQuests are NOT internet scavenger hunts with students just going through a list of links. True WebQuests have the students performing in the authentic roles of historians, economists, mathematicians, etc. The culminating project is usually a performance task in which the students present their findings while playing their roles or applying the learning to produce a product. Image Source


A significant wellness connection for these pedagogies is that they engage students in PERMAH while exercising their Character Strengths. Collaboration amplifies Relationships with students using their strengths of kindness, leadership, and teamwork, to name just a few character strength applications. The process of creating definitely has students applying their strength of creativity within the pillars of Engagement and Accomplishment.

So how do we take these oldies but goody strategies and other current innovative and effective practices to spread them throughout our virtual school? One approach would be to form a virtual school design team in each division who become busy bees finding out what’s happening in virtual classrooms elaborating on ideas, and making connections to new approaches. They then cross-pollinate throughout the division and potentially between divisions. 😁

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Four Types of Thinking Embedded into the Curriculum

The leaders at my school do a great job of documenting information, especially around frameworks. Here are the four types of thinking that teachers and coaches work to integrate and teach within everyday and units of study curriculum.

VS – Weekly Planner Grade 3

The grade 3 team splits up the curriculum writing and shares out a central planner with their students. You will notice the term “packet”. We started VS going fully digital. With the big shift from face-to-face to virtual learning, some of our parents asked for paper lessons when possible. The spatial difficulty of trying to find SeeSaw posts, Google Docs, etc. was a little too much compared to having paper copies to work through. We then began a bi-monthly packet pick up at the front of our school. Interestingly enough, as we move further into VS with the government-mandated social distancing, we might not be able to print and hand off copies in person as we did previously. But as our students and parents are now VS veterans, I think they will be able to handle the shift back to fully digital lessons.

Lesson Learned 1- I really appreciate that the team has the wellness component of supporting a growth mindset embedded into their planner. A growth mindset was already a part of the grade 3 culture due to the leadership of Patrick O’Donnell so it was easy to continue the lessons virtually. If it was up to me, I would have wellness as a listed area of study for every grade level in their weekly planners. And as stated previously, I know just the fella to help to co-design the lessons and activities. 🙂

Lesson Learned 2– This application of applying distributed expertise to divide up the work and communicate through one channel is what we did at HKIS during SARS in 2003. I think it is one way to be more efficient and productive while also facing the reality that virtual school can last a long time. As noted previously, fatigue sets in without the daily energy provided by face-to-face teaching.

Note the category of “Super Unit” down the left side of the last table. Super unit is our term for an interdisciplinary unit of study. My additional lesson learned is that virtual school doesn’t mean one gives up on collaborative, PBL, and concept-based learning. You just need to really design the heck out of it just as Mark did with the eBook and I suspect the diorama video mentioned below. I am a real believer in designing and publishing the unit of study project in a web module for easy access by students and parents. It also gives them one place to access all the directions and resources. Some of you might be thinking about how WebQuests fit this description. I could not agree more. 🙂

Thanks, grade 3 team for sharing some of your creativity!


Virtual School Design Team

I mentioned in my Virtual School during SARS post that we formed a leadership team for our virtual school at HKIS that included green hat thinkers. I also wrote about the grade-level teams dividing up the work by the various strengths and talents that the team members presented. While our VS Leadership Team at HKIS did all the organizational, logistics, and curriculum design work, I am now thinking of a new approach to separate leadership and curriculum design into two teams.

Elementary schools have leadership teams made up of administrators, grade-level team leaders, a leader for the specials, possibly a representative for other groups, and of course the instructional coaches. This can add up to a lot of people. While performing their normal duties this works just fine and it can work for running the virtual school with all stakeholders having a voice while receiving information back from the leadership team.

What might be unwieldy is the curriculum collaboration design work that needs a special skill set from its members. This is where a portion of the overall VS Leadership Team could provide the nucleus for a VS Design Team. The VS Design Team not only provides ongoing curriculum development but also works as a skunkworks for longer-term research and program design especially if the virtual school continues over the long term. Additional members would be the teachers who have the strengths of creativity, curiosity, and zest along with a good understanding of using technology effectively. They would need to be especially creative regarding pedagogy. The tech background doesn’t have to be a prerequisite as the instructional technologist can lead out on how to make the instructional strategies viable for virtual delivery. This is where school leaders who really know the talents of their staff can review their profiles to construct the VS Design Team.

The instructional coaches would be the main communicators working with the grade levels and specials teachers. They would be the busy bees gathering the learning outcomes from the teams and bringing that information to the VS Design Team to then do their design work. This would especially be the case for the transdisciplinary units of study.  The team’s work would go into a lesson database (curriculum mapping tool or Google Docs for example) with the coaches returning to the teams to unpack the strategies and fine-tune them for delivery.

The value of this approach is that the VS Design Team would not only come up with delivery approaches that could be used across grade levels but also would cross-pollinate by curating and iterating the ideas that come in from the teams. It is important to note that there must be trust and buy-in from all the teams to hand off some of their design work.  One cannot have the VS Design Team come up with instructional strategies that are then ignored by some teams.

An additional design approach is to nurture the real innovators on staff to let them do mini-pilots playing a bit in their virtual sandboxes. This approach is supported by the School Retool “hacking mindset” approach to redesigning school cultures to be more nimble and innovative.


It is important to remember that the first couple of stages of virtual school mainly deals with setting up systems (i.e., delivery, communication, etc.). The next phase has the teachers in a more comfortable place where creativity and innovation really can come into play as they deliver their math and literacy curricula. The longer virtual school lasts, the more important it is to find ways to strive for helping students move up Bloom’s Taxonomy aiming for concept learning while building in collaboration for learning and for social-emotional support. And the longer virtual school lasts, the more the grade level teaching teams need to teach the units of study. So if your units of study involve inquiry, project, and problem-based learning, look to your VS Design Team to find age-appropriate ways to support these pedagogical approaches.

To balance the big ideas and efforts to try small pilots look to bring in your learning support teachers to fine-tune your design efforts. They specialize in individualization breaking learning down into concrete step-by-step processes. Just as we naturally differentiate for content, process, and product in face-to-face learning, we need to do the same with our virtual instruction. Some students will only need a little explanation while others will need lots of scaffolding, especially when working in teams on project work. Count on your learning support teachers to help with this process.

There is one more member of your VS Design Team- the counselor or as I say, the Wellness Coach. The longer students are away from the normal social-emotional support of being in school with their classmates and teachers, the more they need very intentional sharing of information and strategies to support their well-being. I would add wellness as a subject area for teaching teams to incorporate into their lessons. The Wellness Coach is the person to find out what teams are already doing regarding wellness to then share their activities across grade levels. The Wellness Coach can curate those activities and add new ones to have a central database of lessons to help students learn about their wellness while also providing activities for each of the PERMAH pillars guiding students to engage their character strengths.

One final thought is that we don’t need virtual school to bring innovators together to create, craft, and share powerful instructional and assessment strategies. If our schools are truly innovative learning communities, we of course find ways to nurture and cross-pollinate our ideas also during regular school. 🙂


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Virtual Elementary School – Looking Back To SARS in Hong Kong

With the outbreak of the coronavirus in China and its spreading to other locations outside China, we are seeing both public and international schools closing in Asia. The response to the SARS epidemic in 2003 was similar. At that time I was the instructional technologist for the Upper Primary of the Hong Kong International School (HKIS). I vividly remember the sense of despair and anxiety in our staff trying to make the decision whether to stay in Hong Kong or travel to their home countries. Our parents were desperate for information, especially about how to provide stability and emotional support for their children.

Moving to the present day, I did some reflection this past week about the needs of the students, parents, and staff if our international school might need to close to then go virtual. I am also seeing other folks thinking about virtual school and posting some helpful guidance on tools and platforms that schools can leverage when going virtual. Our menu of tools at HKIS in 2003 was very limited but our focus was not on the technology. Here is a bit of our story.

Our head of school sent out the announcement that the HKIS would close. Those staff members who had not already left Hong Kong leading up to closure were figuring out their next move. We realized that closing the physical doors to our school was not our only option. We could open virtual school doors to our community. We realized that with the majority of our students being local that many would be holed up and isolated in their apartments and houses for who knew how long. It was also clear that their days would probably be unstructured which would only increase their anxiety and that of their parents.

The idea of going virtual was not much of a sell to our principal Bruce Kelsh. His response was to tell me to form a team and to get started immediately to create our Upper Primary Virtual School. The Middle and High schools jumped on board and we began to make our plans. To learn more about those experiences, here is an article describing the effort and some of the lessons we learned.

Now firmly in the present day thinking about what might happen next with the coronavirus, I am putting together a list of ideas for my elementary school. Here is what I have so far.

Virtual School (VS) Lessons Learned from HKIS During SARS

  • Virtual School Leadership Team. Create a leadership team to design the overall plan to then work with and guide the grade-level teams and specialists into implementation. One might not just go with current leadership structures. It depends on what the main responsibilities of the team will be. In our case at HKIS, we needed green hat thinkers who also had experience in using technology. We were a school that used de Bono’s Six Hats thinking approach which could be a helpful framework for our VS leadership and grade-level teams. We also had folks who brought their skills in logistics, communication, facilitation, etc. to the leadership team. Make sure to have a counselor/psychologist on the team to bring the lens of wellness to the discussions and actions.
  • Virtual School Plan. The first task of the VS leadership team at HKIS was to construct our VS plan of operations. We began the process by recording lots of questions and “what if’s?” This is where we are fortunate at the ES to have so many facilitators and program developers. Note that the VS plan documentation is an ongoing process. You can get your initial goals, roles, and systems in place. However, your learning, reflecting, and adapting are ongoing as you get feedback from teachers, students, and parents. So be ready to keep your plan up to date with built-in markers to pause, reflect and make changes. All the documentation will obviously pay big dividends down the road if and when you are forced to reopen the virtual school.
  • Pedagogy came first– not technology. Our guiding design process at HKIS centered on what we called the Three C’s: Communication, Community, and Content (Interactive). We reviewed the everyday literacy, math, etc. lessons and unit projects (similar to our super units) through the SAMR and TPACK filters looking to create lessons that would have our students easily communicating (and collaborating) with each other and their teachers, building SEL connections (community) while engaging with the interactive content to then move into creating with or without technology. If we are to take a similar approach I would drop the SAMR as it can be confusing for some. A cleaner and simpler approach is Replace, Augment and Transform (RAT). I add “amplify” to augment as we help students share their learning with a greater audience.
  • The Instructional Technologist (Instructional Coach for Technology): This is obviously a key role today just as it was back in 2003. I have written a lot about this role with real emphasis that your instructional technologist must be allowed to apply his/her training as an instructional designer and facilitator of the curriculum development process, especially in the case of virtual school. What I have seen happen in the past few years with the growth of more and more educational platforms is that the instructional technologist is in some cases returning to the pre-2000 role of technology coordinator. Back in the day, the tech coordinators were definitely the “tech guys” who were mainly technicians making the computers and printers work. Today I am seeing the instructional technologist not only managing educational platforms and accounts but also being the caretaker of hardware as in iPads, robotics labs, etc. So let your instructional technologist dive into the TPACKing process of guiding teams to work as designers bringing their content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge together to create the lessons and unit projects. If possible, as part of applying individual skill sets in various roles, get your Dreambox, SeeSaw, etc. teacher experts to provide that type of support while their grade-level partners carry more of the curriculum development work. And of course, this designing and creation process is going to be fluid with some getting-started needs that will diminish as teachers feel more comfortable using various technologies.
  • Collaboratively develop uniform lessons by grade level teams as opposed to having each teacher go it alone. At HIKS this led to more buy-in from staff feeling the work to be less daunting while benefiting from the more efficient use of time, distributed expertise of teammates, and creativity of teamwork. The leadership team designed protocols and frameworks to help provide a uniform presentation of curriculum and experiences for students. An additional principle was that we tried to break lessons into simpler portions as we obviously did not have the benefit of face-to-face explanations with our students. This leads to thinking about how we do build a system for students to ask questions of each other and their teachers.
  • Communication Conduits. Connecting to uniformity for ease of understanding by our stakeholders, we also had protocols for handling information requests, needs for extra social-emotional support, setting good boundaries with parents, etc. The admin team at HKIS had very clear structures on who spoke for the school and when information would go out. This is a larger issue that our admin already has in place but we will need guidelines for parents emailing grade-level teaching teams for information and requests.
  • Distributed expertise led to teachers taking on various roles engaging their skill sets as handling the web work, parent communication, liaison with the Virtual School Leadership Team, etc. This approach benefits from having very upfront discussions with team members about their strengths and weaknesses as to where they can best apply their skill sets.
  • An added wellness PERMAH benefit at HKIS was that virtual school also connected our teachers who had left with those of us who stayed in Hong Kong. Teachers had more positive emotions due to the relationship building of the grade level teams engaging in creative work leading to flow as well as feelings of achievement and satisfaction of contributing to the well-being of our students and their parents. It was also very evident that giving teachers opportunities to engage their strengths and skills also added to their well-being by connecting to the E and M of PERMAH. Admin provided ongoing emotional and informational update support for staff as well. Moving to the present day, I would introduce the term wellness to our communications while providing a curriculum to help our students and parents better understand how to handle their feelings of fear, anxiety, isolation, etc. that arise in crisis situations. The nature of Positive Psychology is to focus on how to equip ourselves to engage our character strengths within each of the PERMAH pillars to enhance our well-being and thrive. It is important to note that the same efforts must be provided to support staff with their wellness needs as they deal with the isolation that comes from a virtual school. I would recommend that a wellness/self-care curriculum be developed for staff that is offered face-to-face and/or virtually depending on the status of being on campus or not. It is obvious to point that teachers and students get so much energy from being with each other. The loss of energy and potential of experiencing more negative emotions becomes more and more evident with the loss of daily classroom routines and face-to-face contact during the longer virtual school runs. As for the present moment, we already have our PERMAH and Character Strengths lesson idea resources on the web and ready to roll. We can take small steps limiting the language of Positive Psychology and PERMAH by simply using the terms our students know as the value of relationships, the positive feelings that go with accomplishment, and the strengths of being creative and self-understanding for example. One structure to support this process would be to designate a wellness or SEL lead on each of the grade-level teams. This person would work with me to design SEL activities that would be a part of the regular curriculum just like the regular subject areas.
  • Self-Management and Study Skills. It goes without saying that students take a leap in their development around self-management skills and the character strength of self-control. Our younger students of course need a great deal of parental supervision while our upper primary students are more self-reliant to some extent. The virtual school puts our students into an entirely different learning environment with limited interaction with their teachers. One support mechanism is to provide lesson(s) to help students construct their daily learning plan (i.e., goals, task listing with time expectations, use of a timer, etc.) that includes breaks from technology with designated wellness breaks. The wellness coach (counselor) could support the effort by creating a website of wellness activities for students, teachers, and parents to draw from. A guiding principle would be to get everyone, including teachers, to take nature breaks several times a day.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning. Our specials teachers at HKIS were a big part of the design effort to offer integration and standalone learning opportunities for their content areas. They came up with lots of creative and FUN activities for students to do. The librarian played a key role in providing online resources of databases, reading resources, etc.
  • Our Coaching Model. The instructional technologist, the science coordinator, and the librarian led the VS leadership team at HKIS. We are fortunate at the ES to have three coaches, learning support teachers, two counselors, and EAL instructors to help lead and share their areas of expertise collaborating with the VS leadership and the grade-level teams in their design and implementation work.
  • Web Resources for Independent Learning. We did build a section of our web presence to house links to online resources for students to explore on their own. We need to remember that our regular curriculum will only take up a portion of our students’ days. The supplemental enrichment resources at HKIS offered self-directed learning opportunities that included inquiry and research. I am reminded that we also had a section for parents for their FAQs which cut down on the need to respond with full explanations to parent emails. Our leadership team would need to decide whether to have one central listing of sites broken down into categories and age-appropriate sections or to have each grade level have its own resources page. Connecting to having roles on the grade level teams, one role can be the curator of web resources. Here is one listing of web resources divided into four themes. There are many other curated lists that we can draw from.
  • Social and Emotional Support. Our biggest lesson learned was that through the structures, systems, and connections of VS that we helped our students and their parents feel a part of a community. I cannot stress enough how important this was. One needs to recognize how isolating it was for some of our families who chose not to go out for walks and visits with others. Other parents chose to not be so isolated. As noted in the article, some students who lived close together would congregate at someone’s home for their face-to-face version of school interacting with our VS curriculum. Some parents organized the day into blocks for LA, math, social studies, etc. Note in a couple places in this post that our staff also benefited socially and emotionally with their running of the virtual school which offered routines and ways to engage with the pillars of PERMAH. Do understand that the longer virtual school runs, the more social and emotional support takes precedence over other goals and academic needs. So we should look at every opportunity to have our students interact with each other. The interaction can take place in virtual synchronous morning meetings, sharing photos, recorded audio and video messages, working in teams on projects, and so on. Simply find ways for shared face time! I also would definitely broach the idea going forward to work with staff, students, and families to create some sort of wellness plan using PERMAH and the Character Strengths. Goal-setting within the PERMAH pillars with supportive action steps could be a part of the wellness plan template.
  • Social and Emotional Support for Staff. Just as in regular school, the administration needs to be out and about nurturing connections, taking “moral temperatures” and cross-pollinating ideas. The art of active listening through acknowledging, validating, and celebrating more than ever must be taking place as achieving and “stretching” teachers need support with their well-being by school leaders. As mentioned, I would also look to form a wellness support team to come up with self-care and morale-building activities if we are able to work from school. We could definitely put together a menu of “afterschool activities” for staff if we get to work from school. We also need to draw on the expertise of the counselors/psychologist and outside-of-the-school mental health providers to provide information about mental health and how and where to get support, if needed.
  • Parent Buy-In to VS and Their Role as Teachers. This happened naturally but I would make it more intentional in our effort. We could possibly put a parenting/teaching set of guidelines together. We would also need to do the same for nannies if the parents are going to work. And note that some families will choose not to participate and/or be sporadic with their engagement.
  • Delivery Tools and Platforms. The intent of this write-up is to not list the delivery tools we used at HKIS. There are so many good ones to choose from now. What I would think about is how to package research assignments and super unit projects. One approach would be to use some adaptation of WebQuests especially when inquiry is involved. To the point of keeping the directions simple and clear, it makes sense to think of formatting the learning in some sort of learning module for “one-stop learning”. While WebQuests have been around for over 20 years, they check a lot of boxes for clear task and rubric identification, collaboration through roles, inquiry, higher-level thinking skills, and learning project creation. They also make the research process simpler by providing a listing of resource sites within the learning module. And regarding tools and platforms, it is helpful to have either a central or by-grade-level virtual school toolbox for students and parents to access tutorials for all the technologies. Also, make sure to have one central posting place for assignments whether on a weekly or bimonthly timeline. In using a variety of tools for different purposes such as creation, curation, collaboration, and/or communication (i.e., Information and Communication Skills- ICL), it can become confusing for students and parents to know exactly what is expected and when it is due. So make sure to have the central assignment place for easy reference whether it is in your LMS. Google Docs or a website.
  • Cross-Pollination. Just as in regular school, we had pockets of innovation taking place within grade-level teams. It was my good fortune to watch creative teachers find ways to design learning activities that supported our “Three C’s” approach while I also was able to share their ideas with the other teams. As mentioned, at the ES we have a great many coaches and specialists who can bring their skills to each team while picking up innovative approaches to carry and diffuse out into our learning community. It made sense for us at HKIS to start slowly helping to guide our students into learning virtually. But as our students got the hang of things so did we which led to richer and deeper learning experiences.
  • Opportunity. Our experience during SARS at HKIS was difficult at times. Thankfully there were no cases of illness within our community. Instead of allowing hysteria and troubling emotions to rule our thoughts, our community like many when facing challenges, worked together to make the most of the moment to shine and to excel. Disruption and challenge definitely can provide opportunities to reflect and engage our growth mindsets to then charge forward. This was the case for some of our teachers who tended towards a bit of a static mindset. I can still see several of their faces beaming at what they accomplished especially when previously being reticent in using technology. Many of our students made leaps in their development becoming more self-driven and independent. Our early adopters who sometimes did not get recognition for their creativity and innovation really shined when given the opportunity to showcase their ideas.
  • Reentry and Reflection. Build opportunities for students and staff to reflect on their experiences during virtual school. There is of course the social-emotional processing that needs to take place. The very positive personal growth also deserves time and attention. Back to the theme of disruption, we learned that with positive attitudes and growth mindsets students and staff found ways to engage their character strengths and skill sets to experience real personal growth.
  • Transferability. We learned a lot about differentiation through innovative pedagogy delivered via technology when not able to provide face-to-face instruction. Many of our quiet students found their voice thus growing their confidence by fully engaging in virtual learning. Some of our teachers found ways to continue aspects of their online content and activity work thus moving into more blended instruction during regular school.
  • Co-Curricular Learning. After-school activities were a major part of the learning taking place at HKIS. From orchestra to sports to crafts, you name it, we had teachers and contractors providing engaging learning opportunities after school for our students. I cannot remember if we offered some of the activities virtually during SARS but I can say I would definitely try to find a way to include them in some fashion in the present circumstances. Disruption leads to opportunity so I can see after-school providers finding ways to virtually connect with students to run their activities and keep their businesses afloat. As noted, the SEL needs of students to be connected with one another and to participate in energy-providing activities that lead them to engage their Character Strengths (i.e., creativity, curiosity, social intelligence, etc.) means that we really should think about how we can deliver the benefits that co-curricular learning offers.


After virtual school at HKIS, we started running an annual practice week of virtual school in which all members of our community practiced virtual learning. Here are some questions that came up in one of our initial planning meetings. There is some overlap with what is covered earlier in this write-up but some of the questions offer new insights.

  •     What will your online assignments/lessons look like?
  •     How will they support what you normally would be covering in class?
  •     How will they involve cooperative learning?
  •     How will they be project or problem or inquiry-based?
  •     How will you avoid fluff work?
  •     How can multimedia teacher-created lessons engage students more than static worksheet ones?
  •     How will some assignments involve doing research that the student can access online?
  •     How do we continue our normal curriculum?
  •     How will you build community?
  •     How will you support one another?
  •     What would our enduring understandings be if we should close down?
  •     How would we reach those understandings through the curriculum?
  •     Who would be responsible for what areas?
  •     Then what technology will support what we want to do?
  •     And how can the TAs help us?


Image Source: Learning & Leading with Technology. Volume 32. Number 8.

Guidelines for Developing a Quality Research Question

Dr. Dan Keller is our principal at the Saigon South International School elementary school. In preparation for the upcoming Project X weeklong research and design thinking experience, Dan shared his research on how to help our students’ craft inquiry questions. The following are some helpful slides from Dan’s presentation.


Student-Centered News Shows (Lessons Learned)


I am reviewing past posts, articles, and podcasts to share my main lessons learned. Here are a few lessons learned from supporting students to create news shows.


After graduate school in the US, my wife and I returned to international education in 2002. My plan upon arriving at the Upper Primary of the Hong Kong International School was to start a student-produced news show. An essential part of my instructional technology program focused on videography.

My plans changed when I discovered that the school had a TV production studio, a closed circuit TV system with TVs in all the classrooms, and two costly Sony 3 CCD cameras. 🙂

While the infrastructure wowed me, I learned that the school community was not watching the student news shows for the most part. Students, in many cases, were given free rein to record whatever they wished to share as a news program. Silly was the main descriptor offered by several teachers. 🙁

From this starting point, I put together a plan of action which leads me now in reflection to share the following lessons learned. Student-produced news has become mainstream in many of our schools today, so what follows might be old news for some veterans, but hopefully, it can offer some ideas about whether you want to assess your current news program or if you want to start one.

Lessons Learned:

  • Look to make a needs assessment and information-gathering effort to get buy-in and insights and to promote the value of student-produced news. There are many other tools one can use today to do this task. The screen capture below is an example of an email questionnaire I sent out to teachers.


    • Build the case for student news shows as a terrific example of project-based learning that puts students in the authentic roles of news gathers, logistics coordinators, editors, designers, etc.
    • There are many ways to organize students into teams to produce the news. The one we used was by classroom with teachers looking out to the upcoming year and reserving their week to present the news each morning. Classes would spend the week before their assigned week doing all the production work so their videos could be shown the following week. This made the entire process less stressful.
    • I titled this post “Student-CENTERED” because there might be a tendency in some schools to have an adult run the production process, including doing the video editing. This raises the question of why one is doing student-created news shows. If it is really about the learning process and not as much about the final product, students should run the entire process supported with lots of scaffolding and guidance when needed. When students are given complete ownership over a creative project, especially one that involves sharing a final product, they will want to shine in front of their peers.
    • Try to get the classroom teacher to take ownership of being the adult facilitating the process. In many schools, the instructional technologist, librarian, or other specialist is seen as the “news person,” and the students are handed over to them. A part of the teacher’s ownership is their work to connect the classroom curriculum to the news project. Think of all the habits of mind and dispositions that we work with our students to experience that the experiential nature of news production brings into play. Teamwork, active listening, problem-solving, etc., are so supported by videography and news creation. Another connection for teachers is to use news programs to communicate what learning takes place in their classroom.
    • News shows are about building community while celebrating what students and teachers do. One of my favorite parts of seeing students produce their shows was after their planning meetings, students would venture out to find the news and set up appointments with adults for interviews. Talk about real-life experiences!

    To help teachers get the hang of videography and news production, plan a small project a month or two before their reserved week of news. Work with a small group of students or the whole class to produce videos. This is so much easier today, with so many schools having mobile media devices like iPads. These opportunities offer the chance to start teaching the lessons the students and teachers need before they do their news gathering and production work. Planting videography “seeds” will open the door for teachers to see student-created videos as an assessment tool. The following is a screen capture of an Inspiration mind map I used in my lessons to teach the videography production process. Today I would supplement my lessons with online tutorials, and news shows samples for students and teachers who want a more blended approach.


  • Taking on a news project can make some teachers uncomfortable, especially with the technology giving students so much control over the process. With this in mind, look to produce guidelines, sample news shows, and templates to scaffold the process for your teachers. The following is a screen capture of my guidelines for our “DragonNews” program. It was a part of the Teacher Toolkit website (now only at the Internet Archive), where I housed tutorials and resources for teachers. I copied the entire page of DragonNews guidelines and posted them to a Google Site if you want many more details.
  • Another scaffolding tool is to provide templates. Here is a screen capture of a storyboard template populated by a Fourth Grade class with their plans. We used Inspiration a lot in those days as it was beneficial for storyboarding, with students being able to move topics around as they planned each day’s show. Today I would use a web-based tool so that the production team can access it 24/7.


  • The organization is so vital to the production process. Notice in the image above how each symbol has a number and letter. Monday was “1” for example, and the letter designated the sequence of each scene. The camera team used a small whiteboard to write the day and scene to be recorded at the start of each shot. They also kept a log of each scene recording which one the video editors should use. With multiple takes, this made a difference for the editors. Also, notice the listing of student names. These were the assigned talent for each scene.
  • Regarding editors, we have two in charge of editing for the entire week. I asked teachers to think about which students had an eye for design, solid spatial understanding, and a certain seriousness in wanting to do a good job. One of my big design lessons was to stress that the classes were producing their shows for an audience other than themselves which included adults and, obviously, their peers. We stressed the importance of content and not special effects to be recorded in a quality manner with good audio and lighting and the on-screen talent using their best communication skills.

Third Grade Class
Fifth Grade Class

The Virtual Packaging and Modulation of Learning Activities- Part 2

Videography and 4MAT: Quadrant IV- Creation

4MATI am completing my series of posts connected to how videography can be integrated into one’s teaching by using the 4MAT approach to curriculum design. The following originates from the Teacher Toolkit that I created in graduate school.

Quadrant IV: Doing To Experiencing- Creation: What if I take this in a different direction? What if?

Refine- This process goes on during actual video shooting but takes place during the editing process. A great deal of creativity takes place as the video editors put the music, transitions, voiceovers, and titles to the video clips tying them together.

Perform- The 4MAT learning cycle comes full circle as the student team completes the production and editing process with a finished product. They look to see how the ideas, concepts, and messages from earlier in the cycle compared to the finished product.

Learning Climate- The students are working in the present, reflecting upon the past, and looking to the future as they put the video together. The editing environment is often tense but filled with excitement and feelings of accomplishment. They ask themselves if they visually represent what they set out to do. Do they find themselves going in a different direction or reaching different conclusions as they bring it all together?

Method- It all comes together here in self-discovery, according to Dr. McCarthy. The teacher is in the background “on call” for the editors if they request input. The editors work on the computer with the video footage to make each scene “just right,” cropping scenes and making them fit together. The remainder of the student production team views a first draft of the edited video, which leads to further creation and idea sharing of how to finalize the video’s message. The teacher can step forward and interact again using guiding questions to have the students think individually and as a team.

The camera is not used in this quadrant, but the video editing software of the production process is used to finalize the product. 

Outstanding creativity occurs as students use editing tools, music, and voiceovers to finalize their learning products.

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The PYP in Practice


The folks at the IB recently posted an excellent video sharing teacher voices explaining what makes the Primary Years Programme (PYP) so valuable. The teachers echo much of what we read about from progressive educators via the blogosphere and Twitter. It is worth viewing. Scroll down to the following link to see the video.

PYP in Practice

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