Lessons Learned

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Tag: virtual learning

Snowmageddon and Virtual School Preparation


Is your school/district ready for extended school closure due to weather or other factors? We are preparing for a blizzard here in Virginia as folks in Washington, DC, will experience the full force of winter storm Jonas.

I have written here and spoken often on the Ed Tech Co-Op podcast about the value of developing blended to virtual learning programs in one’s school. There are many reasons for doing both, with one big one being ready to continue learning in case of a big storm like we are about to experience here in Virginia.

In the best conditions, one’s school would form a committee to research, plan and implement a blended virtual learning program. We did this at Hong Kong International School after we had to quickly respond to extended school closure due to an outbreak of SARS. We learned much in reactive mode as we constructed our virtual school to serve our families. One big lesson was that we practiced fire drills, and we needed to practice virtual school.

The virtual school committee began the annual procedure of running a week of virtual school in which teachers, students, and families connected to our online tools for learning. Our experience responding to the SARS closure expanded our blended learning when school reopened. It was a natural step to practice for the possibility that our school could close again. For more insight into our experiences, here is an article describing the response to the crisis.

With many schools having other priorities than planning for virtual school, one can still provide ideas and resources for the short-term closing of one’s school. It might provide a framework to build from in case your school might be closed for several days. Here is an example of a short listing of tools I put together to share with the teachers at my school.


With the advancing snowstorm and the possibility of another Snowmageddon, here are some ideas to support student learning if we miss more school days. We have several online tools and resources that students can connect to for skill work, inquiry, creation, collaboration, and direct instruction. 

Skill Development:

DreamBox (students can access at our LR website > Students > Math)

-Web Resources Math and Technology pages for math, typing, and coding skills


-Tumblebooks and other eBooks accessed at the Library Web page

-The Using Information Web Resources page also has several online reading sites for younger students and information sources for our older students

Quizlet is a vast collection of flashcards, quizzes, and other searchable resources to share with your students. You can also create your own.


Access the databases on our Library Web page. Notice the direct link to the databases, but there is also a listing by grade level further down the page. See the attached database and tool password listing. Finding or creating your WebQuest is a terrific way to support inquiry, collaboration, and learning product creation.

Creation and Collaboration:

Wixie (grades 1-5)

-Google Apps (grades 3-6)

-The Web Resources Creating page has several fun and creative activities for our youngest students.

Direct Instruction:

Khan Academy and other tutorial sites

-See the PD & ICL Web page for a complete listing of potential instructional resources, including TED TalksiTunes U, and the idea of sharing educational podcasts for your students to listen to.

-Teacher-created screencast videos and podcasts> I can provide more information if you would like to create a screencast or podcast. Here are a couple of resources to give screencasting a go. Your school computer comes with Snag It, which you might have used for grabbing screenshots. It also can capture video as you open docs and websites, etc., on your screen as you voice record information for your students. If you use a Mac, you can use the built-in QuickTime Player. There are helpful tutorials on YouTube for both tools.

-Blackboard has a built-in podcast recorder (Voice Podcaster) found in the Tools section of your classroom course. Use Wixie as an instructional tool to support blended to-virtual learning. You can create videos that include voice-over explanations of images, diagrams, drawings, etc., that you build into your presentation and then share with your students via the Web. Check out the Wixie resource page for more information, including tutorials.

Sharing Your Virtual School Package:

So how can you share these resources with your students? Several of you are using Google Classroom to post resources. Blackboard is another helpful platform. Another choice is to create a simple site like our Web Resources using Google Sites or a free provider like Weebly. You also can create a Google Doc to share directly with your students if you are in our upper elementary. Consider creating a Google Doc in your personal account for the younger students and making it public. You can then email your parents the link for easy access. Our school Google Doc accounts cannot be shared publicly. The same goes for creating a Google Site using your school account.

Let me know how I can help if you want to use any of these resources and tools. For more information on blended to virtual learning, check out our blended learning page at Web Resources for Learning.

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Student Voices: Interviews with Sophia Pink

Sophia Dept of Edu

I was fortunate to record a couple podcasts with the extraordinary Sophia Pink. She designed and implemented a hybrid year of studies instead of attending Washington International School for her 10th-grade year. In the first podcast, Sophia tells the story of the program of studies she put together. In the second show, she offers insights on how high school can be more personalized with increased student engagement.

I am really enjoying our shows that allow students to share their ideas about teaching and learning. Stay tuned for the next Edtech Co-Op podcast to hear from my son Samuel as he shares his lesson design work with his Theory of Knowledge (TOK) teacher.

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Virtual Tech Courses

Virtual learning is a topic we recently spoke to on the Edtech Co-Op podcast. The discussion reminded me of a talk many years ago with our high school instructional technologist at Hong Kong International School (HKIS). We discussed the computer programming course he taught. The context was a meeting of the instructional technologists from each of our four divisions about online learning as we had run a virtual school for a month in 2003 when SARS struck Hong Kong.

We were thinking about the power of the HKIS brand in Asia and our regional leadership for technology integration. The idea was to start offering fully online courses for HKIS students and interested students from around the region. While this idea was not implemented, it did bring us back to the computer science course and how it would be an excellent class to teach virtually. International schools used the Virtual High School, now called The VHS Collaborative, to provide courses when they needed more teachers or many students to run courses efficiently. It also would be easy to run a computer programming course in-house through our MyDragonnet learning management system.

Back to the present day, in recent chats with directors of technology from two leading independent schools in Washington, DC, we discussed where their respective schools are in offering online courses. There are many reasons for providing students access to virtual courses, but the question arose regarding how to offer them. Does one do them in-house or through a provider like The VHS CollaborativeK12, or the Online School for Girls? Several questions arose about how the courses would connect to the mission of the schools, who would teach the courses, whether virtual courses take the place of regular classes in the student’s schedule, etc. It was interesting for me as an instructional technologist to hear about the needs of the students and teachers to get me thinking about how to design the process of deciding how to offer virtual learning opportunities.

Connecting back to my experiences at HKIS, it became clear to me that one option for these schools would be to offer their technology and Information and Communication literacy (ICL) courses online instead of teaching them during the regular school day. The instructional technologists at each school have the skill set and content knowledge (i.e., TPACK) to design and deliver courses in either a hybrid or a fully online fashion. The schools could pilot this effort to meet not only the student’s learning needs but also a model for interested teachers how they might also provide virtual courses. It could be an easy first step towards providing virtual learning for each community.

Another thought is to build on the badge movement for virtual learning offerings. The instructional technologist, librarian, and other interested teachers could build mini-courses focused on specific skills. Examples could be learning how to use various apps on the iPad for student workflow and productivity, using apps for editing images and video, providing a mini course in sound design in presentations, etc. Students could earn badges to represent their certification in reaching the standards set for each mini-course. Instead of taking up time in their daily course schedule, the students could work independently through the schools’ learning management system and other online collaborative tools.

This line of thinking connects to what we are doing at Alexandria Country Day school, whereby the Fifth Grade provides “just in time” instruction with follow-up online tutorials for students to explore further how to use various apps and Web 2.0 tools. One of our science teachers, Sara Stein, looks to her students as learning partners when new apps are introduced to the class. The students use their ICL skills to find tutorials to self-teach and then provide guidance for other students during class meeting times.

This supports my belief that my job is to help each student build their ICL tool belt by the end of the Fourth Grade. While their ICL skills are far from complete, the students have the foundation skills and know how to find tutorials and experts among their co-learners to self-teach. This connects to constructing one’s personal learning system that empowers and skills students to use ICL to become more effective learners.

Virtual School Providers in the News

The Washington Post, New York Times, and WSJ published articles in the past month about virtual school providers. The primary provider is K12, located in Northern Virginia. Tom Ashbrook, on his On Point radio show, also covered this topic with his usual finesse in trying to show all sides of the issue. Diane Rhem just produced a show looking at how well our higher education system is functioning in the US, looking at for-profit online providers as well. So, whether you have a long holiday drive or some downtime during the holidays, check the links to the articles and podcasts at the end of this post.

I continue to look for all the information I can find to decipher what is working and not working regarding virtual learning providers. As a curriculum designer and teacher who has been using a blended learning environment in my teaching for many years, I understand how much curriculum development work is needed to create a learning community for online students. Just as we want project-based, collaborative learning driven by students’ questions and curiosity in our regular classrooms, we must put in the extra design time to create learning activities that involve collaboration and engagement for our online students to stretch their minds to the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

While it is good when topics we discuss in the blogosphere make it to the mainstream, it is taking my best information literacy skills to work through the following articles and podcasts to get at the facts. I have many questions for companies like K12, Kaplan, Connections Education, etc., and I would love to see some of their units of study to see how they build community for their learners.

WP article

NYT article

WSJ article

Tom Ashbrook podcast

Diane Rehm podcast

Virtual Learning & Volcanic Ash

Volcano in Iceland

“Mr. C, we are in crisis!”

This was the Google Chat that appeared on my screen this morning. My student went on to say that she and another student were stuck in Paris and probably could only return to Morocco on Thursday as the airport was shut down due to the volcanic ash from Iceland.

I then asked if she had checked Edline, which lists the assignments for the coming week, and if she had posted five possible research questions in her Mindmeister mind map. Her response was “yes,” and could I look at them?

I went to her mind map and left comments to help my student narrow her questions to one. She is now ready to use her time effectively in Paris by working on the research process and doing the regular classroom homework. In both cases, I can access her work using online collaborative tools.

After sending out an email to all my students to check on their status, I will see how many other students will miss some class this week but will still be able to continue their learning wherever they may be “stuck.”

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