I recently posted How Progressive is Your School? to highlight our school’s effort to measure just how progressive we are. The discussion centered upon the article by Alfie Cohen and the eight values (Intrinsic Motivation, Social Justice, Collaboration, Whole Child, Community, Deep Understanding, Active Learning, & Taking Kids Seriously) encompassing being more progressive in how we “do” school. I am now doing a series of posts about our learning community’s ideas about each value. We are now discussing one value per month and looking at ways to make the value a part of our culture at HIS.

  • How do we foster a sense of community when kids are at so many places academically?
  • How do 1:1 laptops help build and hurt the community at HIS?
  • Define communities first, as in school, parents, digital, etc.
  • How do we build community?
  • Morning Gatherings, Advisory – enough structure for the community?
  • How can we be more involved in Hsinchu and the great world community? Connection to goals for citizenship.
  • Role of competition
  • How do we incorporate progressive educational ideas into conservative and traditional communities?
  • How to further foster the connections between old students and younger as well as elementary students?