Time for another Captain Obvious moment. Boy, howdy, do schools need school and community wellness programs more than ever! 🙂 CASEL and other SEL organizations are filling my inbox with messages pointing to the need for SEL support in schools and how education and government leaders now understand just how vital student well-being is for personal development and academic success.

I have written much about the need for school wellness programs to include staff and the greater community (families). As my world is international schools, I am sure that schools worldwide are all in on student and staff wellness, but I wonder how many have outreach programs for family wellness support.

My going forward thought is that if schools do not have a community component to the wellness programs, they need to put a plan together to bring parents and interested staff members together to design one. Some of my previous posts have a few ideas and structures that could go into one’s community wellness program.

And from a practical and competitive viewpoint, I think prospective families looking at schools might just start expecting school websites and promotional materials to list ways that the schools support community wellness through a variety of ways (e.g., a parent portal filled with wellness resources, community wellness blog, family wellness plans, on-campus parent center, family needs assessment survey, weekend sports, and activities, etc.)

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